PlayWhe Charts


The Play Whe 1/16 Chart associates each Play Whe number with a group of two other numbers to suggest predictions for a Play Whe draw based on the previous number drawn. To use the 1/16 chart, find the last draw’s  winning number among the yellow balls, and get the numbrs of the two white balls associated with it below as suggestions for the next number to be drawn.

Each ball belongs to and is associated with 3 groups of balls on the chart, so number 1 may play with numbers 16 and 29 in one group for example, with numbers 9 and 24 in a second group, and with numbers 22 and 14 in a third. Many Players  use these number associations to ‘block their mark’, hopefully increasing their chances of winning.

The 1/16 Chart is also used to build stories by grouping the marks or ‘spirits’ associated with each number grouping, and looking for similiar topics players may encounter in their everyday life to suggest number combinations that resonate with them on that day.


Theme: Overlay by Kaira
Trinidad and Tobago